A Little Bit More About: EMPOWER.
EMPOWER is a Women’s Empowerment Group which provides safe space events for women of all ages and walks of life, who want to fall back in love with themselves, their bodies and minds, and to feel strong and empowered within their life.
The group was founded back in March 2022 by Hannah Kay; a Personal Trainer and a Mental Health and Exercise Coach. Hannah started this as she had been on a journey of self-love, discovery and confidence herself and she wanted to bring the tools and knowledge she’d learnt to more Women in and around York, and hopefully in the future to any woman anywhere.
Bridging that gap between training our bodies and training our minds as well as placing more emphasis on the way we feel, not the way we look, these events give you the chance to find out more about yourself and walk away with tools to develop yourself.
The 6 Month Private Programme runs once a month on a Sunday, and the sessions are open to a small group of women who take part in a 30 minutes of movement to get them moving and energized, followed by 1 hour of guided journaling, meditation and breathwork.
Each session has a different focus or topic to work on branching from Self-Love, Relationships, Body Appreciation/Confidence, Freedom and so many more. It’s not all ‘hippie-dippie’ but it does ensure we give our minds and bodies time to slow down, breathe and relax in and amongst the hustle and bustle of busy life.
The Open Events are pop-up events in and around York every 3 months or so, that replicate one of the sessions so you can try it out before enrolling on the 6 Month Programme.
All these elements of the events provide you the opportunity to spend time on yourself, with yourself supported by others doing the same thing for the same reason. Having this community within a small group of women gives you the chance to communicate and build relationships with other women.
If you’ve ever wondered how you can gain more confidence, control over your life, body appreciation, gratitude and so much more these are the events for you.